MSI Introduces Pro DP21 Series, Designed to Be More Productive for Users With Business Needs | One PC Panda

PRO DP21 11M was developed and influenced by a bamboo plant’s persistence, evolution, and purity. MSI was inspired by this idea since they observed that the plant’s growth would eventually be rapid in the next few years. And just like the PRO DP21 11M, its growth would be rapid.

MSI PRO DP21 Series guarantees a competitive working environment among the users most especially to individuals dealing with their business. It features the latest 11th generation Intel® Core™ i7 processor and 64GB memory with a dual-channel design. Users can also enjoy high-grade graphics or 4k videos for any time of shows and movies they want to watch. It also comes with COM ports and eight USB ports which will help you connect to other devices you need while working. Its COM port can be compatible with programmable logic controllers (PLCs).
MSI ensures to their clients and users of their products, a safer environment especially when it comes to your business information and you’ll not have to worry regarding information security problems.
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